Hunter Valley Eggs
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Hunter Valley Eggs - Providore of quality Aussie eggs and fine food products to the restaurant, café and catering industry across greater Sydney.


Providing quality Aussie eggs and fine food products to the restaurant, café and catering industry across greater Sydney.

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Available now from Sydney Markets

For orders and enquiries contact

Andrew 0404 686 632

Lucky 0425 201 372



 Our egg brands

Hunter Valley Free Range Eggs

Our flagship brand, from the picturesque Hunter Valley region of NSW.

Fresh Start Multi Grain Free Range Eggs

Our all-rounder eggs, Fresh Start hens enjoy a diet of nutritious multi grains.

Kangaroo Island Free Range Eggs

Pastured free range from the pristine Kangaroo Island, South Australia.



Other quality products


Island Beehive 100% Raw Organic Honey

Produced by the purest strain of ligurian bees in the world, on Kangaroo Island. Unfiltered, cold pressed and raw, as nature intended it to be.

Kangaroo Island Pure Rain

Naturally alkaline water, from the purest rain droplets carried over the Antartica and released onto the pristine countryside of Kangaroo Island.






Egg farming runs in our family

Here at Hunter Valley Eggs, we’ve been raising chickens and producing eggs since 1950. We remain a 100% Australian owned and operated company, providing authentic free range eggs to Australian industry standards.

Distributing from our stand at the bustling Sydney Markets, today we have joined with farms across Australia to provide a range of quality eggs and complementary food commodities.

Even as our company continues to grow, we remain dedicated to best value with no compromise on quality. 

Our valued customers across the restaurant, café and catering industry have come to appreciate our quality eggs and excellent customer service.

Our hens are part of the family

We don’t believe in cages and our chickens are free range - that means free to roam, graze, flap their wings and soak up some sun, just as nature intended.

We apply the highest possible standards to our production methods, and our eggs are backed by full certification and accreditation.

All of our eggs can be traced from farm to carton, ensuring our customers’ absolute confidence.

Our family is always growing

Sourcing quality products from across Australia, our range has grown to include other fine food and beverage products.

Now supplying:

Island Beehive 100% Raw Organic Honey

Kangaroo Island Pure Rain, naturally alkaline rain water




Available now from Sydney Markets

For orders and enquiries contact:

Andrew 0404 686 632

Lucky 0425 201 372

Or send us a message using the form below.